Use cases

Sensible updates

Identity fraud often occurs when a sensitive information is modified. Qombo automatically checks any bank account, mobile phone number, e-mail or document linked to these requests.

Verify sensible information updates before (not during) a payment

When a payment has to be made, time is crucial. This makes it difficult to carry out all the necessary anti-fraud checks. That's why Qombo enables you to check sensitive information in your systems as soon as it is updated.

Prevent Account takeover

Fraudsters often use existing customer access to commit fraud through phishing actions, in particular by modifying key information (IBAN, telephone...) in the systems.

Qombo detects fake or irrelevant identities

Changing a phone number, IBAN or email can be a risky moment. Qombo's intelligence detects risks and inconsistencies between a third party's identity and its data.

The relevance of our assessments

Carry out targeted checks, adapted to the risks associated with your business. Our experts will recommend the most appropriate controls for your specific use case.

Other use cases

Customer onboarding

Qombo verifies your customer's identity during onboarding, without soliciting them, and detects fraudulent profiles as soon as the relationship is established.

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Business customers onboarding

Meet legal requirements, mitigate supplier risk, and better manage your supplier chain. Verify identities and run fraud & risk checks ensuring you know your business partners.

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Payment request

The payment request is the last moment of risk in the process. At this stage, Qombo uses your data to validate the legitimacy of the payment.

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